•  Multi – Dimensional Energy Healing
  •   Angel Guidance
  •   Aura Reading
  • Chakra Balancing
        &    Energy System Alignment
  •   Past Lives Therapy
  •  Nutritional guidance
  •  Sound Healing  Massage

Multi – Dimensional Energy Healing

    This therapy is based on Reiki, and complemented with other holistic therapies, such as Aura Reading, and Angel Guidance, and supported with cristals, aromatherapy and Creative Visualization

    The Focus of this holistic therapy is beyond the physical symptom, dealing with the disturbances in their origin, energetical and spiritual. Thereby, it's possible to identify and release the cause of these disturbances, and therefore reestablishing the natural flow of Vitality and Health

    Most of the times, situations of unbalance, like certain diseases, habbits or addictions, reflect a message or a learning that our spirit is trying to tell us.

    Then, when we understand this message, we release the process so that the complete Healing can be achieved.

    This way, the flow of vital energy can be harmonized, restoring our health, and releasing all our potential, opening new paths, and transforming our Lives.

Angel Guidance

    In This Therapy, the focus is to awaken the Inner Voice of our Intuition, and of course, contacting with our Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters, who are Always available to help us, but, because they respect our Free Will, they only manifest when we call them for that purpose.

    This way, besides our Guides and Ascended Masters, who we learn to be in contact with, the Focus is also to find our Inner Guidance, and open the communication with our intuition and the Divine Master within each One of us, helping us finding our own mastery within, and realizing that we can also listen to our inner guidance - our intuition, and learn how we can heal ourselves by listening to our inner Voice, if we are receptive for that, and integrating the messages and  learnings that our spirit is telling us, untill we can receive and integrate them. On this moment, the healing process is released, and can finally happen, on a complete level, in our Lives 

Aura Reading

    The Aura is the Energy field that surrounds all matter, including our physical body. We are constantly interacting with each other, and all the universe, through these energy fields.

    It Reflects our Health, Character, Mental activity, and emotional condition, keeps memory of previous experiences, and holds information about projects being created on the present moment.

    By reading the Aura, we are communicating in a spiritual level with the person, bringing to consciousness the most important information, for that moment.

    Sometimes, situations of unbalance, like certain diseases, or repetitive patterns, reflect a message or learning process, that our spirit is trying to communicate to us. Therefore, when we understand the message, we release the process, for the complete healing to succeed.

    This way, as a holistic therapy, the focus is beyond the physical symptom, dealing with the disorders on their energetic and spiritual origin, focusing on identifying and releasing the cause of these unbalances, before they can seriously affect the physical body

    As a result, the flow of Vital Energy can be harmonized, restoring our health, and releasing all our potentials, opening new paths, and transforming our Lives.

    Aura Reading can also help us facilitating the contact with our inner voice, our guides, and the Universal Source of Infinite Energy, so that we can be aware of our Supreme Truth, and making the highest choices for our evolution, in harmony with the Universe.

Chakra Balancing    
 & Energy System Allignment

    On this Holistic Therapy, based on Reiki, and on Multi-Dimensional Energy Healing, the Focus is on our energetic system, and, as this is the Center of our Energy and Vitality, it reflects our Health and WellBeing, in All Levels: Physical, Psicological, Emocional and Spiritual, and it also reflects how we interact with each other, and our environment, in our daily Life .

    This way, by Balancing our Energetic System, we re-establish the balance in all the Areas in our Life, Reflecting in our Health and Vitality

Past Lives Therapy 


    Past Lives Therapy is a holistic healing process, based on the principle that the reality we are living on the present moment may be a reflection of what has happened in the past, on this life or on a previous one.

    This way, we can understand that certain events, repetitive patterns, disturbances, or even some diseases can be related with some learning processes, that we brought from the past, and might have not been completed yet.

    By accessing the past, being guided safely, tranquil and consciously, we may become aware of the origin where that pattern was created. When we assimilate that information, we can release the pattern, in all the lives where it was repeated, understanding its meaning, and revealing the learning process within, and what we can do to transform that condition, in our present life, allowing the harmonization and complete healing to succeed.

    This way, with the information given, we bring to consciousness the most important knowledge, for the person, on the present moment, allowing the restoring of our health, and harmonizing the flow of Vital Energy, releasing all our potentials, opening new paths and transforming our Lives

Nutritional  Guidance

 "Let medicine be thy food
and let food be thy medicine."
     — Hipocrates

        Natural - Detox and Revitalizing Meals

In this therapeutical consultation, we can learn how we can restore the balance in our Health, with Natural Revitalizing Food

    Most of the times, the "food cravings" we experience are just a calling from our body for a specific nutrient we require, but usually this "desire" is associated to a food that contains it, but in an unhealthy way, or in a low energetic quality, simply because we don't know a healthy alternative where to get this nutrient.

    Then, because the body doesn't feel completely nurtured, it asks for more food (in the form it best knows, and is used to, but with less nutritional quality), and so we tend to eat more than we need, and so the tendency to get fat, on the attempt to give enough nutrients to the body, simply because it doesn't know alternative

    Therefore, by identifying the food craving, and the nutrient that the body requests, we can give us a Healthy Alternative, so the body (and spirit) can be completely satisfied, usually with less quantity needed, and with much more quality.

    So, in this form of Nutrition, we can eat until we are completely satisfied, (without the need to stay hungry), and without secondary effects, (as the food proposed is natural and healthy, (and that is not fattening, by its very nature), this way, our body weight is naturally balanced, and our Health Revitalized, knowing that we are having the nutrients we really need, to feel completely balanced, reflecting on our Health and Vitality...

    The Meals proposed are Vegan - Raw,
        - Living Food - Plenty of Live Energy
    (based on Vegetables, Algae, Seeds, Sprouts, Nuts and Fruits)


    This way, giving priority to what is natural and with most Life Energy (with minimum processing, and nearest from the source), we obtain the most Vitality from the Food, and this way Revitalizing completely our energetic system, restoring our natural balance, where our body self invigorates and Heals, when its energetic levels are in harmony, and this way, reflecting on our Health and Vitality...

Sound Healing Massage

    In this therapy, the focus is on the energy body, that reflects itself on the physical level.

    This way, using pure energy , in the form of Sound, (that can be complemented with crystals, creative visualization and other healing techniques ), it's possible to release the causes that afffect the physical body, working on a Vibrational Level.

    With this method, many people describe the effects on the physical body during the session as sensations of vibrational waves or energetic pulsing, that act on a deep level, where the harmonization is most required, and releasing the causes of the unbalances, and re-establishing the Natural flow of the Life Energy.

    Eventually, the therapist might receive intuitively messages or learning processes that might be causing the unbalances, and giving this information to the person, and sharing some techniques, as tools so that the person can be aware of her own therapeutical process, and learning how to communicate with her own intuition and inner guidance, and learning to re-establish the Natural Balance in Health and Vitality. 

Suggested Contribution

  •  Multi – Dimensional Energy Healing                  55 €
  •   Angel Guidance                                                44 €
  •   Aura Reading                                                   55 €
  • Chakra Balancing
        &    Energy System Alignment
                          44 €
  •   Past Lives Therapy                                           55 €
  •  Nutritional guidance              (by email)            33 €
                                                   (in presence)       44 €
  •  Sound Healing  Massage                                    44 €


- Wahari Yam

    Wahari  was "Re-Born" in Amazónia, and, since then, has been finding ways to Live in harmony with Nature and the Universe...

    So, since then, after returning to Portugal, and during about 4 years, has been experiencing Living in different Holistic Centers, communities, and projects  envisioning Self Sufficiency, and living in harmony between Nature and All Beings…

    On this moment, ( since 2014 ) has been Co-Creating a project called:

        Naturalmente -  Holistic Retreat Center
   ( Nucleum for the Reconnection with the Essence within the Being )
             (www.Naturalmente-Retreat-Center.blogspot.com ),

where has been putting in practice All what he has been learning,
and mainly how to live in Harmony with Nature and All the Universe

    In Parallel, has been learning and developing several therapeutical techniques,  and several Holistic practices, like Yoga and Meditation, where he focuses on  finding the Common Essence in most of the different spiritual paths :
 - The goal  of Samadhi (Enlightenment)  – Expansion of Consciousness ,  until we feel in Union (Yoga) with All Beings and All the Universe

   On the therapies he facilitates,  he usually shares and teaches some of the tools, for everyone to have autonomy to apply and develop themselves, to Self Balancing and Healing , and helping each one to find his own mastery, without depending on anything external to Oneself, and finding the guides and masters
within Each One of us…

   in Naturalmente Retreat Center we welcome everyone that feels the call for a Deep connection with Nature, (and as a mirror of the outside, also connecting and awakening our  inner Essence, in connection with All the Universe

   welcome naturalmente

        Hugs and Blessings in Infinite Loving Light



in Partnership with :


           -  Appointments (therapies ),
                email:  Naturalmente.Retreat.Center@gmail.com

Holistic Centers  where “wahari” gives these therapies
  (in Loulé:)

- Oasis Loulé           tel : 926629724

- Portal dos Anjos (Cantinho dos Anjos )
                               tel : 919111664


with Deep Gratitude,  

Hugs and Blessings in infinite Loving Light
