Lifestyle in Naturalmente

                – Guidelines



 (click here to download pdf version)



·Co-creation  and  Connection

One of Naturalmente principles is Co-creating a Life together,
and learning to live in Harmony and collaborating with each other, in communion with Nature



· Evolution of consciousnessinspiration and encouragement


Our proposal is that everyone in Naturalmente is willing to consciously evolve,
and committed to transcend ego and the illusion of separation (maya),
into our natural essence, connected in Oneness with All,

and therefore, shifting from survival and competition, to collaborating with each other,
and contributing for a prosperous living, in harmonious connection with All



·      Natural Healthy Living -   Naturalmente, as a Healing Retreat Center,

promotes healthy, sustainable living habits, in harmony with nature and nourishing to the Body, Mind and Soul.


So we nurture an environment free of addictive habits,
where we focus on not depending on anything external from us for our well-being and happiness...
and we try to find (and heal) the causes that led us to that dependency...

Therefore, for the purpose of Evolution of consciousness, one of our priorities is to bring awareness and healing to the causes of addictions, and overcome the pattern by revealing what’s the root cause underneath, acknowledging that, and embracing the needs behind, and work on them together
 (we might realize an emotion or basic needs being suppressed and covered with the substituting addiction.

Co-creating a safe space for those emotions / needs to be acknowledged and expressed in a constructive way
is an essential step for healing

so in Naturalmente, we don’t use alcohol or recreational drugs,
and we ask you not to bring addictions/unhealthy habits to Naturalmente

we have a healing transition area, where smoking is accepted, (the proposal is to do in a meditation mode, completely aware, in silence and as a transition to heal its causes).


   (of course, we can feel free to enjoy everything in Life, and we can check if that really gives us happiness, and if we don’t get trapped in any dependency or, for that purpose, and as part of the healing process, we have:...

    The "Gremlin day", where it’s possible to enjoy some of the gremlin cravings, on a specific day,
fully appreciating the moment, without any guilt... 
(of course, always respecting our guidelines... and respecting everyone...

And because it’s on a specific day, it’s not a habit or unconscious reaction anymore, but a conscious choice.
This is a start to bring awareness and will power to overcome the addictions, and heal their causes…


   Healthy Revitalizing Meals

These are vegetarian - natural, healthy and revitalizing,
and prepared in a way that gives priority to keeping most life energy and nutritional value


The products used in the common kitchen are vegan, free of gluten / dairy, sugar, coffee, or fried/saturated fats.
(And you can trust that there are great delicious alternatives, if you’re willing to try something new)...

  All Naturalmente, including personal spaces, accepts only vegetarian.


 Boost our immune system

 Also, about Healthy Living, in Naturalmente we focus on Boosting our immune System, so we don’t feel threatened by any virus, and we treat any health issue in the most natural (and effective)  way possible...
(you can check some tips in our booklet – “Boost our Immune System – Naturally”,   in our site – multimedia folder)



· Constructive Communication - The context in Naturalmente is open constructive communication,
based on Authenticity, Respect, Honesty & Compassion,
where we co-create a safe space for expressing our feelings and basic needs in a constructive way.




Naturalmente is dedicated to Evolution and Connection. To serve these principles, everyone needs to be willing to receive (and give) feedback, and participate in resolution circles, emotional healing processes, etc,
and willing to meditate before reacting to any feedback,
and therefore shifting from survival and reactivity into Being in Connection,
so that we can help each other to evolve in harmony with All








Silent Areas – please respect the silence in the Resident Areas in Naturalmente.
particularly in the resting/ nap periods)  and also if someone chooses to be in silent / meditative mode.

 (and music is very welcome. We prefer Live music, (instead of recorded). So, Feel invited to bring your instruments,
and let’s make music together.)







·      Sustainability - Environment friendly

This is a place for a Living in harmony with Nature, and it includes caring for the resources in a sustainable way.





Only biodegradable cleaning and washing products are used here!
The waste waters (including washing machine and showers) go to the garden, where the vegetables for common meals are growing.  Therefore, everyone needs to take care for our food to be clean and healthy.



Healthy environment and Alive connections - Naturalmente values a Healthy environment and Alive Human connections. So we are glad to be in an environment without wifi radiation, and practically no phone signal !
People that care for health & environment and appreciate living without unhealthy radiations are welcome.
  Wifi or wireless connections are not used neither allowed to be broadcasted at Naturalmente .
There is the possibility of internet using a cable connection.

This enables to connect with each other and Nature, enjoying alive connections.



And to keep the environment free of unhealthy radiations, please keep your phones off, while in Naturalmente (not just airplane mode, but completely off.
( the phones can be used outside Naturalmente. There is full phone signal 5mins away drive).





Naturism is possible, in Naturalmente, but only in specific areas.




Picking fruits/vegetables - In Naturalmente there is the great possibility to pick fruits directly from the trees.
so the invitation is to fully enjoy that moment of connection with nature
(please ask the tree, for picking fruits to eat on that moment, by the tree).

(if you like to take away some with you for later or to store, please ask before to the owners,
 so everyone cares to keep the abundance also for the other people).


Lakes Area - Children, on the lakes area, can only be with adult supervision.



·      Responsible care -
In Naturalmente everyone collaborates in a Responsible Caring way, for the space and each other...  Therefore:
  - Please leave the common areas as you would like to find them (or better)
      (clean and tidy after using something,
       And please ask before taking something  for personal use and put back when not needed anymore

and if you see something needs doing, please do it, 
or communicate in a circle to be done when suitable.


This way everyone is caring to make the place better, so it's always welcoming and inviting for everyone.


Thanks for caring




· Loving  Presence - Here and Now

Naturalmente invitation is for Living fully Present, in the Here & Now,  in “Heartfulness”



· And  Living Gratefully and in Oneness with All




Welcome Naturalmente


The intention in Naturalmente is to care for a harmonious Living together, in harmony with Nature and each other.

- These are the Guidelines of engagement in Naturalmente.
You’re welcome to join us if you’re willing to agree...



We are very thankful for your contribution, support and co-creation.




With Deep Gratitude,
 Warm hugs and Welcome Naturalmente