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        - Evolution of Consciousness

Consciously ,  expanding and elevating our Consciousness and Vibration ,
and contributing for the elevation of the Vibration of our Planet , and the Universe

Remembering our Oneness with All – That – Is,
transcending ego, and the illusion of separation and duality  ( maya ) ,
into our true Essence and Reality

 – in  Oneness  with  All – That - Is . . .
. . . All-that-We-Are . . .

So, Activities like Meditation, Yoga ,
( "Yoga" means Union, connection in Sanskrit )
or even walking in Nature, or making a communitary task ,
they all have a similar Purpose :
Expanding Consciousness , so we can feel in Union ( “Yoga” ) with the Whole ( “Holos” )
like cells of a big collective organism
Reconnecting all the parts of Oneself
Re-Membering that we have always been connected
Like a infinite Collective Consciousness, in Oneness with All the Universe

and evolving , becoming more Conscious, more Aware,
Re-Uniting more parts of ourselves
more cells in this Cosmic Organism
becoming Aware of itself
Re-Learning how to Live in Harmony, with All the Beings , Nature and the Universe
Re-Membering our Essence , that
We are All